Topic |
Criteria |
Marks |
File management and identification |
- file named excel1.xls
- your name appears
- the date appears
3 |
Formulas |
- total assets uses sum
- total liabilities uses sum
- total quarters uses sum
- balance row uses differences
- total balance is 190,000
5 |
Number formatting |
- all numbers formatted as currencies
- no decimal places
2 |
Title formatting |
- titled Balance Sheet
- title merged and centered
- larger and different font
3 |
Other formatting |
- column A bold
- column A wide enough to see all text
- balance row highlighted in yellow
- 1-4 and Total centered
- date formatted as a date
5 |
Other |
- no other additions or deletions
- correct case, punctuation, spacing, etc.
2 |
Total |
20 |