Homework 5: GUI Components and Data Structures

In this exercise you will create an applet with a GUI to manage a doubly linked list of strings.

  1. Review Lecture 9, Lecture 10 and Lab 8. Also see the Web Resources JavaScript example list2.htm.
  2. Create a directory named javahw5/ in your directory.
  3. Create an HTML document named List.html and save into your javahw5/ directory.
  4. Create a Java applet named ListApplet.java and save into your javahw5/ directory.
  5. Create the interface by putting GUI elements in an init() method.
  6. Create a linked list and list iterator in init().
  7. Create a method named showList() to display the items in the text area.
  8. Handle the events.
  9. Use Ark to create an archive of your directory named javahw5.zip.
  10. Send javahw5.zip to the instructor as an attachment in a message with subject java hw 5.